Mission & Impact

Our Mission

Over 3 million dogs and over 3 million cats enter shelters nationwide each year. Since 2021, adoptions are declining, while shelter intakes are rising. That's a lot of dogs and cats needing a home, and a lot of rescues needing support.

Our founder, Oliver Carson, was a humane society volunteer when he was younger, and started Great Dane Coffee Company in honor of his dane, Fetty. Seeing the impact, he expanded into 30 breed-specific brands that give 20% of profits of the sale of coffee, tea, dog treats, apparel, and gifts to more than 300 rescues nationwide.

Together, we donate tens of thousands of dollars (and lots of dog treats) to rescues each year.
Join us in our mission to make a difference.

We appreciate their great coffee, dog treats, and creative merchandising, but LOVE their Rescue heart and understanding of the crisis we are experiencing in Rescue. Every cent they donate to rescues helps save more dogs. Their amplification of the message about needing more fosters and volunteers resonates within the rescue community. Thank you for a great product, and awesome support.

- Rebecca

We can confidently say that everything about Husky Coffee Company has been amazing in our experience - from their product quality to their devotion to helping rescue animals nationwide. We're so proud to be affiliated with them. 💙

- AZ Husky Rescue

This great company donates 20% of profits to Saint rescues around the country including CSBR! Their support helps us help dogs like Cooper who is holding steady at Wheat Ridge Animal Hospital.

- Colorado Saint Bernard Rescue

We love working with the Pitbull Coffee Company, their ability to give back to many shelters on a continuous basis is inspiring. We appreciate you!

- Wags & Wiggles Rescue

A HUGE thank you to the German Shorthaired Pointer Coffee Company for the VERY generous donation of their fantastic dog treats to All Points West GSP Rescue and to everyone who purchased dog treats from them to help make this donation possible!! We are incredibly appreciative of your ongoing support to APWGSP & our pups!!

- All Points West GSP Rescue

Huge Hearfelt Thanks to Rottweiler Coffee Company for supporting us and other Rottweiler Rescues across the US by donating proceeds from their delicious coffee products.

- MidSouth Animal Rescue League

A big thank you to the GSP Coffee Company for their donation as well as everyone who purchased their coffee (and their dog treats and other merchandise) for the July fundraiser. We feel loved - THANK YOU!

- Southeast GSP Rescue

Your support has been so impactful and we are so grateful! ☕️🐾♥️

- Jailbreak Husky Rescue

Wake Rescue Repeat Shirt
Doberman Sweatshirt
Cat Rescue Shirt
Doberman Gift Basket
Husky Dog Treats & Coffee
Doberman Shirt & Coffee
Doberman Hot Sauce
Newfoundland Shirt
Husky Dog Treats
Husky Dog Treats
German Shorthaired Pointer Dog Treats
Saint Bernard Dog Treats & Coffee
German Shepherd Coffee
Border Collie Dog Treats
Bernese Mountain Dog Coffee
Bernese Mountain Dog Treats
Husky Dog Treats
German Shorthaired Pointer Coffee
Rottweiler Coffee
Labrador Retriever Coffee